Sunday, July 26, 2020

5 secrets to manage change at work - Hallie Crawford

5 secrets to manage change at work - Hallie Crawford One of the toughest things about change in the workplace is there is a lot of resistance to it. Resistance is all about not truly understanding why the change has come about. Why cant we stay in the status quo? Its helpful if leaders take the time to explain to employees the why of change and to paint the picture of how the change is going to increase revenue, improve employee satisfaction, or make things run more smoothly. If you are one of those employees who is resisting the change or a manager responsible for making change happenbelow are five tips to help yourself or others move along the spectrum of acceptance. 1. Ask for understanding. Talk with a manager or supervisor to understand the bigger picture. Discuss how the change is going to affect your job. You may find that it does not which may be a relief. If it does, then ask some probing questions: How specifically will the processes or procedures you use now be changed. What is the timeframe for the new ways to take effect. What training will be required of you. Having this knowledge will help alleviate concerns. Be proactive, dont listen to the gossip going around the company of how bad this is going to be. Straight answers from your manager or supervisor are the best. 2. Focus on what you are gaining, not what you are losing. In times of change, everyone focuses on what they are losing. Often, change can be a welcome job enhancer by moving out of a comfort zone and into a stretch zone. It could also use talent that plays to your strengths. New work relationships may result if there is restructuring going on. So, reframe a perceived loss by asking what am I gaining? 3. Be patient with yourself. Learning anything new takes time. You may find yourself working crazy hours because there is a steep learning curve. But, in six weeks time it will become the new normal. Cut yourself some slack! 4. Be an advocate for the change. Those around you will be struggling with resistance. Misery loves company. Stay out of the complaining and whining that others do. Help colleagues to understand the big picture. Step out and be a leader yourself in helping make the change happen. 5. Take care of yourself. Change is stressful and it takes a toll on the body. This is the time to hit the gym, take a walk, meditate, reflect, eat healthy. Taking care of the body, helps the brain to also chill out. The old saying goes, change is inevitable, growth is optional. So true. Change can be viewed as an opportunity to reach a higher potential. Growth always includes some kind of change and learning. So, take the time to understand, focus on the gain, be patient, be an advocate and take care of self. Change is always around the corner go with the flow! Hallie Crawford and Katie Weiser Atlanta Career Coaches P.S. Be sure to check out our  LinkedIn Consulting Program  where you can  learn how to effectively leverage your LinkedIn account for your job search and ongoing professional development. Please Share This

Sunday, July 19, 2020

7 Ways to Make Extra Money Moonlighting From Home

7 Ways to Make Extra Money Moonlighting From Home 7 Ways to Make Extra Money Moonlighting From Home While there are some genuine approaches to bring in additional cash rapidly, remember that you wont get rich rapidly, and anything promising that you will is more likely than not a work-at-home trick. These seven lucrative thoughts require nearly nothing, assuming any, fiscal investment. With a large portion of them, in the event that you progressively grow your time responsibility, youll see your money related prize extend also. 01 Let Your Cell Phone Pay Its Own Way Ragnar Schmuck/Getty Images Secret shopping can be an approach to gain a minimal expenditure working two jobs near and dear. Otherwise called mystery shopping, it includes claiming to be a standard client at a business and afterward giving input on your experience to the organization that recruits you. That organization at that point totals the criticism of various riddle customers to tell the business how it can improve. Be that as it may, these kinds of occupations can likewise be the trap for work-at-home tricks, so you must be cautious and know the indications of riddle shopping tricks.

Sunday, July 12, 2020

Pros and Cons of working in a startup

Upsides and downsides of working in a startup 2KThe 3 sorts of partners you wish werent at your Christmas partyThe specialists manual for extreme profitability with Mac OS2. The workplace spacePros:+ Interaction. New companies for the most part work in shared spaces which allow networking with others from different organizations who can support the progression of inventive thoughts. Most new companies will in general work intently together, form their locale and offer thoughts and methods of upgrades with each other.+ Closeness. To work in a littler office space animates more discussions. This prompts becoming more acquainted with the genuine individual in every single one of your associates. What's more, that prompts further fellowships. There is nothing superior to working with companions, individuals who comprehend and support you.Cons:â€" Lack of fixation. As much as possible be certain that there is consistently somebody around, it could likewise be a negative. Little space office could make strain between colleagues and fu rthermore decline their productivity.3. Littler teamPros:+ Communication. In a littler group, it is simpler to interface with each other and it additionally permits each colleague to get to the opportune individual and find solutions they need a lot quicker. Likewise, group gatherings will in general be shorter on the grounds that there is fewer colleagues who need to report/talk about the issue. Like that everybody has more opportunity to concentrate on their own undertakings. Besides, it is simpler to stay up with the latest with changes, choices, and due dates.+ Focus. Littler gatherings of individuals will in general spotlight more on the errands they are given and invested more energy into their assignments. They understand that their yield relies upon their endeavors and it permits them to take possession to the outcomes. It is additionally simpler for the authors to concentrate on every individual exclusively and give assistance where needed.+ Motivation. New businesses ordin arily comprise of individuals who originate from various foundations, be that as it may, share a similar objective and for the most part are energetic about comparable things. They make progress toward information and have a great deal of will to make the organization effective. This sort of individuals make a domain which drives the group forward.+ Decision making. In a startup, when any progressions are going to be made, you will consistently have the option to impart your insight and add to dynamic. Like that the startup colleagues feel like they are an esteemed piece of the organization and it expands their assurance and motivation.+ Organizing occasions together. On the off chance that the group is littler, it is a lot simpler to sort out various exercises together and guarantee a 100% participation. It could seem like a platitude, however a startup adheres to the standard â€" ''Work hard, play hard''!Cons:â€" The measure of work. Outstanding burden ordinarily exceeds the quant ity of individuals in a group and there are times when everybody is too occupied to even consider helping others with their errands and issues. Workers could get befuddled, tired and overwhelmed.4. Self-developmentPros:+ Productivity. In a startup, it is an unquestionable requirement to self-show yourself on numerous subjects. A ton of times there are circumstances when one individual wears numerous caps and needs to accomplish something they've never done. Escaping a safe place is a piece of regular daily existence in startups.+ Embracing botches. Everybody in a startup winds up committing an error sooner or later. It is actually on the grounds that they do things they just read about and never took a stab at doing, in actuality. One misstep can influence the business tremendously, yet it can likewise give an important exercise which adds to the future improvement of the entire company.+ Meeting new, motivating people.In a procedure of searching for possible speculators, you are pr obably going to discover your tutors. Startup originators are normally people with less understanding yet with astonishing thoughts. Their help originates from significantly more experienced individuals. They show them a great deal, give them significant advice and connect them to different influencers.Cons:â€" Lack of energy. It could be trying for individuals who are not self-propelled and need somebody to spur them to give their best consistently. Being a piece of a startup implies neglecting apprehension of disappointment, trusting in your capacities and animating your master action. In the event that you don't have these characteristics, a startup is most likely not the correct working environment for you.â€" Overtimes. Since one needs to carry out a few responsibilities simultaneously, there is a high possibility that your working hours are going to bend over at some point.5. The moneyPros:+ Experience.Startups for the most part permit you to truly concentrate on building up y our abilities or assist you with improving in regions where your shortcomings lay. Aside from cash, you get paid in understanding. Also, let's face it, there is no worth you can put on that!+ Shares. Likewise, an extraordinary thing about new companies is that all specialists can possess portions of the company. So when it will turn into a triumph, with the exception of a compensation higher than numerous in huge associations, you additionally own a piece of the business!Cons:â€" The salary. At the start, you probably won't get paid as much as you would in a huge organization. Each startup puts the greater part of the cash into new chances and items and putting resources into individuals isn't generally the need. In this way, you should be prepared to try sincerely and get ready for circumstances when you probably won't get the cash you merit promptly because of a ''terrible month''.â€" Investors search. In a startup, except if you have your very own great deal capital, you need to search for possible speculators and convince them that your thought merits putting their cash into. This exceptionally long and troublesome procedure requires a great deal of patience, time effort.Many enormous organizations, including Apple and Google, began actually in a carport. Their organizers changed a straightforward thought into an immensely effective business. Also, therefore we think it merits considering to begin your profession in a startup, which could have a similar future. This rundown should give you a general thought of working in one and in the event that you choose to give it a go, don't surrender when the primary difficulty shows up. Acknowledge the demands that are in front of you and do your best.Network, learn, center. Put stock in the capability of the organization you are working for.What different Pros Cons do you think we've missed?PS: Don't neglect to label your startup! ? Labels: vocation, Startup

Sunday, July 5, 2020

Tips for Writing an Undergraduate Resume and Cover Letter

<h1>Tips for Writing an Undergraduate Resume and Cover Letter</h1><p>Writing an undergrad continue for your next quest for new employment can be confounding. What does everything mean? By what method will it assist you with finding the activity you need? Furthermore, in case you're going after a post-graduate job, what sort of data are you going to need?</p><p></p><p>Your initial phase recorded as a hard copy an undergrad continue is to converse with a vocation counsel at your school's profession administrations division. These individuals are there to assist understudies with securing the positions they need. They can assist you with making sense of what data you should put on your resume and how to arrange your paper.</p><p></p><p>A great consultant will realize which employment opportunities you're searching for and will assist you with getting some answers concerning the activity postings. Along these lines, reques t that they suggest work, for instance, that would be the ideal fit for you. As a feature of this discussion, they'll most likely point you toward a work organization that can assist you with securing the position you need. The vast majority nowadays utilize the Internet to do their looks for work.</p><p></p><p>Once you have some essential school data close by, go on the web and quest for employment opportunities on places of work like This can help you rapidly limited down the kinds of occupations you're keen on. You might need to post your resume on other pursuit of employment destinations, as well. This causes you get saw by businesses who might be not able to discover you through other means.</p><p></p><p>If you have extra understanding or instruction you think may be pertinent to the activity you're applying for, send an introductory letter and educational plan vitae to your vocation guide. Tell your counselor the par ticular experience or instruction you have picked up while chipping away at a present place of employment that would make it stand apart from comparable positions. Remember that your consultant might not have a smart thought about your profession designs and might be better ready to manage you. In any case, it's a smart thought to share your experience in the event that you figure it will assist you with landing the position you want.</p><p></p><p>If you're going after a post-graduate job, at that point a resume isn't as significant as it used to be on the grounds that the requirements of managers are unique in relation to they were before. In any case, you will even now need to compose a resume. It might even be important to have it expertly written to help guarantee that it's anything but difficult to peruse and to address the issues of a future employer.</p><p></p><p>Writing a resume and introductory letter for each pursuit of emplo yment can be overpowering. A few occupations you think about, and a few employments you simply need to think about. In any case, you have to begin early and ensure your letters and continues are set up before you begin searching for work. Numerous businesses begin sending resumes for open positions a little while or months before you get the opportunity to apply. At times, even in situations where you get a new line of work in the wake of presenting your application, the organization may not extend to you the employment opportunity yet.</p><p></p><p>That stated, when you begin looking for a vocation, you may discover a few opening accessible right away. Remember that while it's occasionally imperative to have a resume and introductory letter set up early, it's additionally frequently increasingly critical to have all the fundamental administrative work set up to effectively finish the pursuit of employment. Follow the tips above and soon you'll be en route to getting the activity you want.</p>